First of all we must know the basic grouping of the instrument we want to learn. For me, I am learning Chinise Orchestra wood wind instrument. Basically chinese orchestra are group into four big group which are,wood wind instrument, bowed string instrument, plucked string instrument, and percussion.In each group there have thier own family members.
Let me summaries that out :
Example of wood wind instrument:
Example of Percussion Instrument:
Eample of Bowed String instrument:
Beside that, I also learned some basic music theory that we often use it.We had learn how to count the simple rhythem ,read the simbol that wirtten in the music score and others music term that written in the score.
Let me show you what are the musical term and what the score looks like:
For those who are interested in those musical term can find out a complete set of the musical term and thier definition from,
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