Monday, July 13, 2009

Further Improvement

After the first practice, I had learn how to play the Dizi(basically).Every monday I had to attend the group practice to learn more from my seniors. As I said before, all of them are kind enough to teach me all the skills they know.During the weekends i would practice in my own house because i know that practice makes perfect. In the begining I only played the basic practice pieces to familiarise myself with the Dizi. Here are some examples of the practice pieces,

After four weeks time i started to proceed to some melody pieces.Actually the difference between the practice piece and the melody pieces are, the melody pieces are more complicated in ryhthm and the range of notes that are played are still the same. I started with the level 1 song and kept on practising on it. I had found that the level 1 song was quite simple for me because I had build up a good basic level of competence. Example of level 2 song piece,

Then, I strarted to try on the level 2 song. The level 2 song was more complicated compared to the level 1 song. Now i started to struggle. I started to get some help from my seniors again. As they showed me some new skills to face the difficulties in the level 2 song, I too added some hard work into the equation. In the end i was able to play the level 2 song. Example of level 2 song pieces.

Lastly, I step into level 3. Completing level three is the goal that I wanted to succeed in .In this level, there are many new skills that needed to be learnt. Now i realize that the Dizi is so amazing, a single bamboo made Dizi is able to play in different styles to produce diffrent types of sounds through your mouth and tougue control. I had to increase my period of practice and time of practice to complete the level 3.Example of level 3 song that written in numerical form,

Finally, after i practiced all the song in level three I proceeded to my conductor, Mike Chiang to get some comments from him. He said, basically i can play the level 3 song but there are still some parts that can be improved. Besides that he wants me to count the rhythms more accurately. He had suggested to me to practice more and to listen to more song pieces that are played by some professors .But overall, he said i had qualified in level 3. I was so happy to hear that because not only had one of my goals been achieved, but I was qualified as an average Dizi player. This had prompted me to strive harder. Below is a photo of my conductor, Mike Chiang.

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